Carlo's Table |
EPP! EPP! EPP! EPP! One team in the Dallas area took to yelling "EPP!" (Say it yourself, now. Say it loud.) Other teams would slap-five, high-five, say "Nice out" or do a thumbs up. Not these clowns. Sometimes on every ball. Now the team is a bunch of nice guys, fun, good shooters, and strictly out for an evening of pool playing. But this EPPing was getting on everyone's nerves. As any good pool players would do, once they knew it got on your nerves it became a permanent fixture. I took it upon myself to write this letter to the Captain of the EPPing team, fabricating it as if it came from Randy, the League Director. Some names have been changed to protect the guilty. I was honest enough to send a copy to Randy, too, but I am not sure I put a return address or marked it Carlo. Oh, well, just an oversight on my part. Heh, heh! I got him, hook line and sinker! Carlo
Nobody paid me any money to put these links here, I just thought they deserved it. Tell them Carlo sent you, maybe they'll buy me a beer.