A Legend in his Own Mind

Carlo's Table


I own an Arcade (6-leg), Kling (6-leg) and a Paragon (6-leg.)  The Arcade is restored and the others are in the works.

The Arcade came from a pool hall in Kansas City, the Paragon from Chicago, and the Kling is from parts unknown at the moment.

The Arcade and Kling are 9-foot pool tables and the Paragon is a 10-foot carom table that I am undecided whether to leave it as a carom table or remodel it into a 9-foot pool table.  I'll made that decision when the time is appropriate.

Below are photos (and to the left) of the completed Arcade project and the pending Kling and Paragon photos have been stolen from other websites as a pattern of what to expect when the tables are fully restored.

My Table ~ Walnut ~ Fully Restored

Another Arcade

Brunswick's Arcade media

Kling ~ Circassian Walnut


Kling ~Walnut



Brunswick's Paragon Media


Nobody paid me any money to put these links here, I just thought they deserved it.  Tell them Carlo sent you, maybe they'll buy me a beer.

BCA Rules


League Systems


Inside Pool Magazine

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